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Jsonp Gis for developing Mashup Maps

Jsonp structure for building a Mashup Map.

In order to achieve this mashup Map, we need to divide the incoming data in two parts / jsonps. One jsonp that give us all markers in the map, and another one that give us just the information about one soundscape.
It is necessary to do it this way because we want to load as many markers as posible in just one request, and we want to do it fast.
If we want to locate a sound in the map we only need its latitude and longitude coordinates. Besides that we also need to put the id of the article related to those coordinates, so we can get more information about it if we want.

So, this is the structure of the first jsonp:


It has only basic data related to markers and their sound:

  • Latitude
  • Longitue
  • Sound Id

This is how it should look like:

		"lat": "43.1791",
		"lon": "-7.45435",
		"lat": "43.3115",
		"lon": "-8.54908",
		"lat": "43.3112",
		"lon": "-8.55329",

There should be possible to pass some parameters to the json in order to get different results, depending of the type of request we want to do. The pairs requests/parameters are as follows:

request: get articles from a given user
parameter: &user=xx

request: get articles from a given tag
parameter: &tag=xx

request: get articles from a given search stream
parameter: &search=xxxxxx

request: get a limited number of articles
parameter: &limit=xxx

request: get a jsonp version of the file
parameter: &callback=xxx


The second jsonp contains all the information related to just one article, which is:

  • title: Title of the soundscape
  • description: Description of the soundscape
  • date: Date when the soundscape was published in standar format
  • permalink: The permalink to the soundscape
  • url_sound: The url of the sound attached to the article. It only should list one sound
  • url_image: The url of the image attached to the article if it exists. It only should list one image, which should be 400px width and proportional height.
  • lat: latitude
  • lon: longitude
  • user: name of the sound tracker who published the article
  • id: id of the article

In order to get the data, it is necessary to pass the id of the sound as a parameter. For this reason there would be an argument called id, like follows:

Like before, it is also necessary to pass a callback parameter for building the jsonp. Like for instance:

This is how it should look like:

	"title":"Title of the article",
	"description":"Description of the soundscape",
	"date":"2011-10-09 13:33:47",

We have developed a SPIP plugin that creates these two jsonp files.
Check it out here:

We are also working on doing a WordPress plugin.

Este artigo escribiuno berio, publicado o 30 Xaneiro, 2012 ás 22:42, gardado en Sin categoría e etiquetado como , . Garda o permalink. Segue os comentarios do artigo co RSS feed que ten.